Who We Are
Who We Are
Teleo Roasters is a small Gourmet Custom Coffee Roasting Company.
Teleo Roasters was conceived 20 years ago by its owner, Johnny Taylor. Now, in 2024, the coffee roasting company has become a reality. Our goal is to supply customers with the best freshly roasted coffee possible. We roast small batches of coffee to guarantee great coffee flavor and get it to our customers quickly so that none of that flavor is lost.
At this time, we are operating as a cottage business in the state of Texas, so our coffee products will only be available in Texas. Our future plans are to expand so that we can sell in other states, but that is not feasible at the moment.
About the Owner, Johnny Taylor
Hi, my name is Johnny Taylor. I'm about to reach retirement age and have desired to roast coffee for a living for about 20 years.